Wednesday, December 20, 2006

tron mode

I just found this great mash up of clips from Tron mixed with Depeche Mode singing Suffer Well. It is a lovely little trip down 80's memory lane. This movie had a huge impact on me when I first saw it. It was around that time that Disney was experimenting with new ideas and darker plots: they were branching out into new forms of animation. Tron (1982) was the first film to feature computer generated animation and this truly was a landmark in the movie making world. They used a technique whereby all the live action was filmed in black and white and colorized later using photographic and rotoscopic techniques thus giving it a distinct look and feel. Snubbed at the oscars for a visual effects award: the reason being that it supposedly cheated by using computers. It wasn't until 7 years later with the release of The Abyss that the academy finally recongnised this emerging technology.

The word TRON comes from a BASIC command short for 'trace on' which is a debugging tool used to trace a program line and weed out the bugs (the opposite of TROFF or trace off) although it is also said that TRON comes from the word electronic.

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