Saturday, February 10, 2007

hey gringo

I've been meaning to post this site for a while as it has stuck with me in terms of it being a fairly novel interface design. The basic idea here is that each page of the site is one side of a cube. And you navigate by turning the box left, right or back onto it's head. What is great is the concept here. What is not so great is the execution. Look out for those wibbly lines as the box rotates. This is created in the way the 3D effect is generated. As you chop up your image into triangles the distortion can lead to uneven lines when you piece them back together (see this tutorial for the full explanation). What is also bad is how difficult it can be to select an area of work to look at (it seems to just fly away from your mouse interaction...never a good thing!)

Check out the work here

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