Sunday, April 01, 2007

dare tagged

In the best nature of GT and all who worked there we decided to send off our old building in a small way. Dave who has been there the longest ceremoniously ripped our old GT sign off the wall of the fourth floor to the cheers of all who were toasting our last day at the old building. Our rival company Dare who moved in next door to us at Great Titchfield St. to swanky offices, much to our chagrin at the time, got a friendly tag by one unnamed employee as the sign got taped to their office railings. He he. Much to our amusement whilst down the pub that afternoon the Dare people started blogging about it. Here is the link with all the comments. Thankfully it was taken in the spirit it was meant as we are now moving to even swankier offices in the city. Farewell Dare and farewell Great Titchfield St.

What is really odd is that someone else has set up a website called weweregoodtechnology with all the people's names who have left or are leaving..... not quite sure what is meant by that????

More to come on this and pictures too I hope....

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