Saturday, April 07, 2007

one over

Mmmmm this portfolio site from Jon Ruppel, a designer/developer from Los Angeles, is just gorgeous. He has focused on a really clean layout that you can fully customize by changing background, layout and content. Interestingly this made me view a lot more of his work. I am loving the motion he has achieved in his tweens and I suspect he has discarded such crutches as the tween class in favour of hard coding it himself. The technique, if I am right, is this: nail your tween on the timeline and tweak it until it is perfect adding all those little extra bounces that make it look great (you'll need a high frame rate to get this looking good, I'd say 31 fps is best); then get flash to trace the x, y pos for you and push those to an array; use that array as the guide for each future tween and discard your timeline work. If anyone is really interested post a message and I'll send you some sample code as to how I would go about doing that. Check out the work here.

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