Friday, June 08, 2007

webby speeches

So the Webbys have just happened which is quite a big thing in the digital industry. Well to win one is quite prestigious but those in the know really don't care about winning one. Anyway it is “The Oscars of the Internet” and the really nice thing about the award ceremony is that you are only allowed to give five word speeches. And some are classic. Here are the highlights....

Artist of the Year - Beastie Boys: Can anyone fix my computer?

Lifetime Achievement - David Bowie: I only get five words? Sh*t, that was five. Four more there. That's three. Two.

Social Networking - Facebook: I'm just here for Bowie.

Blog - Cultural/Personal - Don't shit where you eat.

The Reggie Bush Project: Finally a Bush everyone loves. Now, let's get hammered.

What Is Enlightenment?: Get enlightened, or die trying. Have sex, make more kids.

Philips Norelco Bodygroom: Hairy balls got me promoted.

Mindflood Seduction: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The Guardian: Please free Alan Johnston now.

eHealthInsurance: Don't go naked, get covered.

Yahoo! Real Estate: There's no place like home.

Wikitravel: No longer a lonely planet.

OpenSecrets: Fat cats need watch dogs.

CLEARIFICATION: Thanks mom: whoever you are.

Animator vs. Animation II: Get into our shorts.

Terra: The Nature of our world: Video Podcast: Green is the new black.

The Extreme Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment: 18,000,000 views. Still no dates.

Here is the full list of winners

1 comment:

Michael Parsons said...

Those were cute. I bet they didn't cut Bowie off