Saturday, May 05, 2007

Today's mood

Yesterday at work was one of those 'nothing works' days. It is sad but true that even with the best mac/pc set-up sometimes things do go wrong. Ok so this was one day where the app I am creating had lots of bugs that seemed unfixable which was incredibly frustrating. But sometimes the best thing you can do is just walk away from it all and come to it fresh another day. I saw this video and it made me laugh. There is so much mac/pc rivalry these days but I do feel pretty much beyond all that now. I don't really care if people decide to buy a cheap pc and struggle with all the malware and viruses. I don't buy into the form over function thing that mac spouts. I just want a machine that is reliable and fast. And I do have that in my G5 set up at work. But really it is time for an upgrade (I've put my request in for a top of the line Mac Pro so here's hoping).


Michael Parsons said...

Very very clever!

Unknown said...

Thanks - this made me laugh. I had to share it with friends...